And the Braying Donkey Award Goes to: John Kerry
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven—including braying like a jackass. It seems that the Senator John Kerry never misses an opportunity to disappoint his terrestrial purpose. He has, once again, blatted his way to incredibility:"Education," Mr. Kerry told a rally at Pasadena City College October 30th for Phil Angelides , the Democratic candidate for governor of California, "if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." Nice.
Jonah Goldberg of the National Review Online thinks it’s obvious that Mr. Kerry’s idiot comment was indeed just “a botched joke about the president and the president’s people,” his innocent intention only to malign the intelligence and diligence of the President and his administration.
Mr. Kerry, your Freudian slip is showing.
Kerry was addressing students at the Pasadena City College rally, so who else could he have been talking about but members of the military who are stuck in Iraq because they must be junior high school dropouts? How could a man who is a veteran himself, we've heard many a time, say such irresponsible and dangerous things about his younger band of brothers (and sisters)?
This bad-mouthing is nothing new for the Senator. Let’s take a look at some of the barbarous comments he has made about his fellow American soldiers in his own past. Going back to April 22, 1971 Kerry, in his highly controversial Winter Soldier testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said that US servicemen in Vietnam were sent "to die for the biggest nothing in history," alleged that the military had "created a monster" of mindlessly violent American soldiers that “raped, cut off ears, cut off [the] heads" of Vietnamese citizens, and inflicted terror across Vietnam "razing villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan." Fast forward to December 6, 2005 and we find the same John Kerry accusing, without proof, American troops “of going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women…” said in a CBS "Face the Nation" discussion with host Bob Schieffer.
But just for grins, let’s say Kerry’s laughable attempt at plausible deniability really is a “botched joke.” In this case, he has effectively said that he is smarter and better educated than the President. But let’s take a look at some inconvenient truths. First, both Bush and Kerry went to Yale. Bush got better grades than Kerry. Bush went on to Harvard for his MBA. During the Vietnam War, both Naval officer Kerry and Air National Guardsman Bush took I.Q. tests which measured Bush's I.Q. a few points higher than Kerry's, according to If Mr. Kerry is saying that Bush got us stuck in Iraq because he failed to do his homework, Kerry might want to stop telling everyone that he voted for the invasion (until he "voted against it" whenever that was).
But don't listen to me. Listen to his fellow veteran Senator John McCain, who spent a much longer and more terrible time in Vietnam than Kerry did. Senator McCain has demanded that Mr. Kerry apologize to our troops for such a prejudicial—and wrong—assessment. The Washington Times, referencing a Heritage Foundation study, reported that U.S. recruits are better educated than the average American of the same age. 98 percent of U.S. military recruits have a high-school education or G.E.D while 75 percent of civilian Americans in the same age group do. The addition-and-subtraction-challenged Yale-educated Senator can do the math.
To White House Press Secretary Tony Snow and everyone else who dared to characterize Kerry's clumsy comment for what it is--a knee-jerk addition to a long string of "negative comments" about the military--Kerry delivered this thoughtful response: “I’m not going to be lectured by a stuffed-suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium. ... It disgusts me that these Republican hacks, who have never worn the uniform of our country, lie and distort so blatantly and carelessly about those who have. ... Bottom line, these Republicans want to debate straw men because they’re afraid to debate real men.” That ought to learn ya! Well, at least "these Republicans" are smart enough to know that America has the best-trained, most professional and most well-educated military in the world.
Mr. Kerry yip yaps that its unfair to be called to account for his misfired "joke." To him, Republican harpies are taking advantage of the donkey fodder because they are unable and unwilling to talk about "real issues." But this is a real issue. Kerry's comments betray a deeply entrenched contempt for our military. This contempt rendered aid and comfort to our Viet Cong enemies, and will render aid and comfort to our terrorist enemies. What better way to weaken our military than to undermine the morale and motivation of our troops, since the war itself isn't? Maybe this is Kerry's grand plan to get us out of Iraq. Beware, the bad guys are hearing it too.
The Democrats want the Congress in 2006. John Kerry wants to be Commander-in-Chief in 2008. Can America trust its national security to such a man and his party? America did not think so in 2004. And now, two years on, the Democrats have demonstrated a weak-minded “cut-and-run” mentality that remains unworthy of America’s confidence in 2006 and 2008.
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